


If you have a specific prayer need please contact one of the local churches listed on this website.
Please find listed below a number of prayer points for our nation’s leaders, our city and each other. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Please pray with us for…
Our Nation’s Leaders…
  • Our Prime Minister and Federal politicians
  • Our Premier and State Politicians
  • Our Cairns Mayor, Councillors and local leaders
  • Pray for wisdom and direction in every area as they lead us and govern our nation; that they would make righteous decisions concerning the welfare of our country, state and community.
Our City…
  • For our Pastors and leaders, that they would continue to grow together in unity and oneness of heart as they pour out their lives for the sake of the Gospel
  • That Cairns would be a light to the nation
  • For the youth of Cairns – our future leaders, for direction and wisdom
Each Other…
  • For our families, neighbours and friends – that we would walk in love and forgiveness at all times
  • For our children – that they would grow up knowing what it is to be loved and to love in return
  • For the lost – that they would recognise their Saviour, and enter a relationship with Him
  • For wisdom on our roads – that there would be no more carnage
  • For the sick in hospitals and the aged in nursing homes around our district
  • For the homeless